Xilonen Build Guide | META DEFINING OCELOT

Hello Everyone.

In this post I will share with you the detailed build guide of the 5-star Geo Sword User Xilonen.

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✦✦✦ Kit and Playstyle ✦✦✦

Xilonen is a 5-Star Geo character using swords in combat, who can easily traverse terrain with her rollerblades and comes with very versatile support skills that can enhance the damage potential of any party.

◇ Normal Attack: Ehecatl's Roar

~ Normal Attack
Performs up to 3 rapid strikes.
~ Charged Attack
Consumes a fixed amount of Stamina and performs a forward kick.
~ Nightsoul's Blessing: Blade Roller
When in the Nightsoul's Blessing state, Xilonen will enter the Blade Roller mode. While in this mode, Xilonen's Normal Attacks will allow her to perform up to 4 kicks using her roller blades, and she will be unable to use Charged Attacks.
When her Normal and Plunging Attacks are used in this mode, they will switch to being based on her DEF, and Xilonen will deal Nightsoul-aligned Geo DMG that cannot be overridden.

◇ Elemental Skills (E) : Yohual's Scratch

Let the rhythms of passion resound throughout the land! Xilonen switches to high-speed combat blading gear and rushes forward a certain distance before dealing Nightsoul-aligned Geo DMG based on her DEF.
After using this, Xilonen will gain 45 Nightsoul points and enter the Nightsoul's Blessing state. In this state, she will shift to the Blade Roller mode.
~ Source Samples
Xilonen has 3 Samplers with her that can generate different Soundscapes based on her other party members' Elemental Types, decreasing nearby opponents' corresponding Elemental RES while active.
The initial recorded Source Sample within each Sampler will be Geo, and for each party member who is Pyro/Hydro/Cryo/Electro, 1 Geo Sample will change to that corresponding Element.

◇ Elemental Burst (Q) : Ocelotlicue Point!

Xilonen’s Elemental Burst, Ocelotlicue Point, deals Geo Damage based on her Defense in an area of effect around herself, triggering different effects based on her current Samplers. If she has at least two Samplers that have changed their elemental alignment from the initial Geo, a series of heals will be triggered, replenishing the HP of active characters based on Xilonen’s Defense. If at least two Samplers are still aligned with Geo, the move deals additional damage.

◇ Passive

~ Lingering Fragrance
While in the Nightsoul's Blessing state:
·If Xilonen has at least 2 Source Samples that have had their Elemental Types changed, she gains 35 Nightsoul points when her Normal or Plunging Attacks hit opponents. Can be triggered once every 0.1s.
·If Xilonen has fewer than 2 Source Samples that have had their Elemental Types changed, her Normal and Plunging Attacks deal 30% increased DMG
~ Portable Armored Sheath
While in the Nightsoul's Blessing state, when Xilonen's Nightsoul points reach the maximum, she will trigger an effect equal to that of her Nightsoul Burst. This effect can be triggered once every 14s.
~ Night Realm's Gift: Blessing of Forge-Fire
After her Nightsoul points are fully depleted, Xilonen will switch to consuming Phlogiston to maintain her Nightsoul's Blessing.
~ Tour of Tepeilhuitl
Triggering Nightsoul Transmission restores 15 Phlogiston.

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✦✦✦ Ascension & Talent Materials ✦✦✦

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✦✦✦ Infographic Guide ✦✦✦

◇ Prithiva Topaz

Like all Geo characters, Navia will need Prithiva Topaz for ascension. Players will need to collect the following amount to ascend her to level 90:

Prithiva Topaz Sliver x1

Prithiva Topaz Fragment x9

Prithiva Topaz Chunk x9

Prithiva Topaz Gemstone x6

You can also exchange the geo stones with other elemental stones if you have Dust of Azoth.


◇ Drops from Tribal Warrior’s

Xilonen uses the common items dropped by Sauroform Tribal Warriors in both her ascensions and talent upgrades. These whistles come in three qualities, with higher-level enemies capable of dropping higher-quality items. You can find Sauroform Warriors basically everywhere in Natlan.


◇ Gold-Inscribed Secret Source Core
Xilonen uses a boss drop from Secret Source Automaton: Configuration Device boss. The item is called Gold-Inscribed Secret Source Core. This boss will be located in Natlan. Like other normal bosses, costs 40 Original Resin to obtain the drops.
◇ Brilliant Chrysanthemum

Many of these flowers can be harvested from around the Stadium of the Sacred Flame, in the lower part where the swampy moat-like river is, circling the stadium. There are also a handful of them on Huitztli Hill, including the northernmost section around a handful of enemy camps.

◇ Kindling Talent Books

The Guide of Kindling can be obtained from the Blazing Ruins Domain in Natlan. Note that Kindling series talent books only available every Tuesday, Friday, and Sunday.
◇ Mirror of Mushin from Scaramouche
Xilonen's trounce material is the Mirror of Mushin, dropped by the Scaramouche boss fight, also known as Joururi Workshop. This trounce domain, found in Sumeru, can be unlocked by completing Akasha Pulses, the Kalpa Flame Rises in the Sumeru Archon Quest (Chapter III, Act V).
~ UPDATE: New update will also allow to unlock the boss without completing the archon quest or unlocking the domain. (Open Your Adventure Handbook and go to the Trounce Domain Tab, Scroll down and start the Challenge)
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✦✦✦ Artifacts & Stats ✦✦✦

There are several good options for Xilonen, depending on how you would like to play her. For her intended role as a supporting Sub DPS, a full set of Scroll of the Hero of Cinder City or the Noblesse Oblige would be fitting, as they both provide offensive buffs to the team. In this case, you should focus on Defense and Energy Recharge as stats.

If you want to maximize Xilonen’s personal effectiveness on the field, then Husk of Opulent Dreams is the way to go. Its Defense buff will boost her own damage as well as her healing capabilities. If you really want to play Xilonen as an offensive powerhouse, you can focus on Def, Crit Damage, and Crit Rate – the usual damage dealer kit.
◇ Energy Requirement
With regards to substats, Xilonen wants anywhere between 140-180% Energy Recharge to burst every rotation with the exact amount depending on your team composition. Because Xilonen only really needs DEF outside of that, there is no harm in just rolling for additional Energy Recharge.
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✦✦✦ Weapons ✦✦✦

Xilonen’s signature weapon, Peak Patrol Song, reinforces her role as a supporting fighter as well as maximizing her personal damage. It provides additional Defense as a sub stat, boosting heals and damage from her abilities. Whenever a Normal or Plunging Attack hits an enemy, the sword provides yet more Defense and a bonus to Elemental Damage, which can stack two times. If it’s maxed out, the effect additionally provides allies with an Elemental Damage bonus based on the wearer’s Defense.

However Favonius Sword and Freedom-Sworn are incredibly competitive options when Xilonen is played as a support.

Flute of Ezpitzal is a craftable four-star sword that Xilonen can use. It has 69% defense, and its effect is that using an elemental skill increases defense by 32% for 15 seconds at refinement level 5.

If you have Cinnabar Spindle, you could probably use it as it increases Elemental Skill Damage by 80% of defense.

Harbinger of Dawn is probably the best 3-star weapon that Xilonen can use. When HP is above 90%, it increases the crit rate by 28%. Its substat is 10.2% criti damage. Its effect is difficult to maintain, so use a healer on the team and do not use Furina while using this sword.

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✦✦✦ Talent Priority ✦✦✦

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✦✦✦ Team Comps ✦✦✦

As a support, Xilonen functions almost as a "Geo Kazuha" but instead of grouping brings healing. This therefore means that Xilonen can function in the majority of teams that Kazuha can be used in.

She is not necessarily an outright replacement for Kazuha and is instead more of a sidegrade with both having their own individual merits but having both characters eliminates situations where you cant use a second team in Spiral Abyss because Kazuha is being used in the first team.

~ Neuvillette Hypercarry

Xilonen allows Neuvillette to become even more powerful than before. Her healing allows for improved Fanfare generation from Furina and the RES Shred she provides completely outclasses Zhongli's. The only downside to this team is that without Zhongli, Neuvillette will have decreased interruption RES and can therefore be staggered by enemy attacks. This can be mitigated by Xilonen or Neuvillette's C1.

~ Mualani Vaporize

Xilonen is a great fit for Mualani teams due to both characters having increased synergy due to their Nightsoul Mechanics. Xilonen helps to increase the damage of Mualani's Elemental Burst while Mualani also helps Xilonen. Xiangling is used here to apply a consistent amount of Pyro for Vaporize while Furina provides both a huge DMG buff as well as resonance for increased HP and therefore damage for Mualani.

~ Team with Navia

Navia is a great example of a character who greatly benefits from Xilonen. It is important to understand that both Navia and Xilonen want other non-Geo characters for their kits to work fully so this pairing cannot work in triple/mono Geo teams.

~ Hu Tao Vaporize

Xilonen is a great pick for Hu Tao in Vaporize teams as she removes many of the downsides Hu Tao currently has with supports. No Circle Impact like with Bennett and no Plunge attacking like with Xianyun.

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✦✦✦ Combos and How to Play Xilonen ✦✦✦

Xilonen's gameplay primarily revolves around her Source Samples mechanic activated by her Elemental Skill when entering her Nightsoul's Blessing state. Xilonen has 3 Samplers shown on her Nightsoul bar which are Geo by default.

For every party member that is Pyro, Hydro, Cryo or Electro, Geo Sampler will change to that element.

When Xilonen's Samplers are active, nearby opponents will have their Elemental RES decreased for that duration. 33% at Lv.9, 36% at Lv. 10 and 45% at Lv. 13. This can not stack if you have say 2 Hydro in your party.

The RES Decrease lasts for 15s meaning you want to use her near the start of your rotation but not at the beginning because you need to apply an Element so that Xilonen can activate the effects of Scroll of the Hero of Cinder City.

Apply Element > Elemental Skill > Elemental Burst > Normal Attack x2 > Swap to next character

Xilonen needs 2 Normal Attacks to cap out her Nightsoul points. Using your Elemental Burst is optional as it only provides healing and therefore simply depends on if you need to heal your party, or provide healing to generate Fanfare stacks on Furina.

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✦✦✦ Xilonen's Constellations ✦✦✦

Xilonen's best constellation is Chiucue Mix (C2) which grants a wide range of effects. It is worth mentioning however that the exact effectiveness of her C2 can wildly vary depending on the team you want to use her in, so make sure you know what teams you plan to use her in first to check that the buff will be significant.

The best example of this is with the Pyro buff that grants +45% ATK. Characters such as Hu Tao scale based on HP, while other Pyro characters like Arlecchino tend to already have Bennett which means that the ATK buff from C2 can start to cause oversaturation.

Aside from C2, C4 and C6 tend to be the most impactful damage-wise and the effectiveness of C5 can vary depending on how regularly you use your Elemental Burst.

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And that's all for the guide, I hope it will help you to build Xilonen. For more guides like this, please Follow me on HoYolab And Subscribe my YouTube Channel.
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67 | 10/29/2024 10:24:29 PM
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