Bản mẫu:Đừng chuyển sang Commons

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Usage[sửa mã nguồn]

This template must be accompanied by the appropriate copyright tag. It often accompanies {{PD-US}}.

|reason= is optional but is recommended for clarifying the reason as to why the work should not be moved to Commons. For the situation where a work of non-US origin is free content in the United States while being subject to copyright restrictions in its country of origin, the parameter can be given as |reason=US only to supply a standard explanation about the work being non-free in its country of origin.

|expiry= hides the message at the end of the given year. For example, if a work by an author who died in 1950 was first published in a country whose copyright term is life plus 70 years, use |expiry=2020, and the message would automatically disappear in 2021, when the image would be automatically placed into Category:Media now suitable for Commons.

Examples[sửa mã nguồn]

{{Đừng chuyển sang Commons}}
Always shows the template.
{{Đừng chuyển sang Commons|expiry=2020}}
Shows the message until December 31, 2020, but hides it starting January 1, 2021.
{{Đừng chuyển sang Commons|reason=US only}}
For situations where a work of non-US origin is free content in the United States but non-free or potentially non-free in its country of origin.
{{Đừng chuyển sang Commons|reason=GFDL only}}
See c:Commons:Licensing#GNU Free Documentation License
{{Đừng chuyển sang Commons|reason=Other reason}}
For situations where more clarification as to why it should not be uploaded to Commons is needed.

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