Albert Prisco

Albert Prisco
Geboorte 1890 (134–135 jaar oud)
Nasionaliteit Amerikaans
Beroep(e) Akteur

Albert Prisco (gebore 1890) is 'n Amerikaanse akteur. Hy is bekend vir sy rolle in die rolprente The Great Mysteries of New York (1914), Monte Cristo (1922), The Sea Hawk (1924), en Won in the Clouds (1928).


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  • 1914: The Great Mysteries of New York
  • 1914: Trapped in the Great Metropolis
  • 1921: The Jolt
  • 1922: Monte Cristo
  • 1922: The Power of Love
  • 1923: Gossip
  • 1924: The Sea Hawk
  • 1925: The Scarlet Streak
  • 1925: That Devil Quemado
  • 1926: Lone Hand Saunders
  • 1927: Don Mike
  • 1927: The Prairie King
  • 1928: Won in the Clouds
  • 1929: The Ace of Scotland Yard

Eksterne skakels

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