Barry Letts
(1925-03-26)26 Maart 1925
9 Oktober 2009 (op 84)
Vervaardiger en akteur
Aktiewe jare
Barry Letts (26 Maart 1925 – 9 Oktober 2009) was 'n Engelse vervaardiger en akteur. Hy was bekend vir sy rolle in die televisiereekse Doctor Who (1963) en The Prince and the Pauper (1976).
- 1955: The Gordon Honour
- 1957: The Silver Sword
- 1957: Sara Crewe
- 1958: The Lost King
- 1958: The Black Arrow
- 1960: The Long Way Home
- 1962: City Beneath the Sea
- 1962: The Last Man Out
- 1963: Doctor Who
- 1963: The Indian Tales of Rudyard Kipling
- 1964: Second City Reports
- 1976: The Prince and the Pauper
- 1952: Sister Gold
- 1954: The Three Princes
- 1955: The Man from the Moors
- 1955: The Nelson Touch
- 1956: The Watch Tower
- 1956: Alice's Adventures in Wonderland
- 1959: The Three Princes
- 1960: Someone to Talk to
- 1961: The Man from the Moors
- 1962: The Chairs
- 1998: Where on Earth Is... Katy Manning Because She'd Really Like to Know!
- 2003: Behind the Sofa: Robert Holmes and Doctor Who
- 2004: Dæmos Rising
- 2006: Changing Time: Living and Leaving Doctor Who
- 2007: Terror Nation: Terry Nation and Doctor Who
- 2008: Going Underground
- 2008: Hello Sailor!: Making the Sea Devils
- 2008: Musical Scales
- 2009: The Perfect Scenario: Lost Frontiers
- 2009: Roger Delgado: The Master
- 2009: The Perfect Scenario: The End of Dreams
- 2009: The Frighten Factor
- 2010: Between Now... And Now!
- 2010: The Tin Man and the Witch
- 2011: Come in Number Five
- 2011: Remembering Barry Letts
- 2011: Life on Earth
- 2011: IMC Needs You!
- 2011: A View from the Gallery
- 2011: Blasting the Past
- 2011: Mutt Mad
- 2011: Destroy All Monsters!
- 2011: Directing Who with Barry Letts
- 2011: The Final Curtain
- 2012: Happy Birthday to Who
- 2012: The Devil Rides Out
- 2012: When Worlds Collide
- 2013: The U.N.I.T Family: Part Three
- 2013: The Military Mind
- 2013: The One with the Maggots