Edward Duyker

Edward Duyker
Edward Duyker in 2014
Gebore21 Maart 1955

Edward Duyker (* Melbourne, 21 Maart 1955 –) is ’n Australiese geskiedskrywer, die seun van Herman Duijker (van Nederlandse afkoms) en Maryse Commins (van Mauritius in die Indiese Oseaan).


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Hy studeer filosofie, Engelse letterkunde en geskiedenis aan La Trobe-universiteit, Melbourne, en Indiese geskiedenis en Bengaals aan die Universiteit van Melbourne (Ph.D., 1981, 'n studie van die Naxalite-opstand in Wes-Bengale). Tussen 1981 en 1983 was hy ’n intelligensiedeskundige in Canberra.

Hy verlaat Canberra en verhuis na Sydney in 1984. Duyker is 'n bekroonde skrywer van werke oor Franse en Nederlandse ontdekkingsreisigers om die Australiese kus. Sy biografieë van Marc-Joseph Marion du Fresne, Daniel Solander, Julien Labillardière en François Péron sluit almal gedetailleerde weergawes van sy besoeke aan die Kaapkolonie in.

In The Second Landing (1993), gee Duyker 'n oorsig van Nederlandse kunstenaars in Australië van 1881 tot op hede in sy essay 'The Dutch-Australian Artistic Heritage'. Van Duyker verskyn gereeld boeke in die Australiese pers, wat as onderwerp aspekte van die Nederlandse emigrasie na Australië hê, soos The Dutch in Australia, (met Maryse Duyker) Beyond the Dunes (die geskiedenis van die Duykerfamilie) en The Discovery of Tasmania. Duyker het ook oor die Nederlanders in Sydney geskryf en het 'n boek gepubliseer oor die zeereis van Schouten en Le Maire en die Nederlandse ontdekking van Kaap Hoorn in 1616.

Duyker is dosent aan die Universiteit van Sydney. Tussen 1996 en 2002 was hy die erekonsul van Mauritius in Nieu-Suid-Wallis. Tussen 2009 en 2018 was hy ereprofessor aan die Katolieke Universiteit van Australië.


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  • 2000 Ridder in die Orde van die Palmes Académiques, Frankryk

  • 2004 Medalje van die Orde van Australië

  • 2007 Genoot van die ‘Australian Academy of the Humanities’
  • 2004 New South Wales Premier’s General History-prys, vir Citizen Labillardière.
  • 2007 Frank Broeze Maritime History-prys, vir François Péron.
  • 2022 Médaille de l'Académie de Marine, Frankryk vir Dumont d'Urville.[1]


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  • Mauritian Heritage: An Anthology of the Lionnet, Commins and Related Families, Australian Mauritian Research Group, Ferntree Gully, 1986, pp. 368, ISBN 0-9590883-2-6.
  • Tribal Guerrillas: The Santals of West Bengal and the Naxalite Movement, Oxford University Press, New Delhi, 1987, pp. 201, ISBN 0-19-561938-2.
  • The Dutch in Australia, AE Press, Melbourne, 1987, pp. 181, ISBN 0-86787-215-2.
  • (met Maryse Duyker) Beyond the Dunes: A Dutch-Australian Story, Sylvania, 1987, pp. 41, ISBN 0-7316-0058-4.
  • Of the Star and the Key: Mauritius, Mauritians and Australia, Australian Mauritian Research Group, Sylvania, 1988, pp. 129, ISBN 0-9590883-4-2.
  • (met Coralie Younger) Molly and the Rajah: Race, Romance and the Raj, Australian Mauritian Press, Sylvania, 1991, pp. xii, 130, ISBN 0-646-03679-3
  • The Discovery of Tasmania: Journal Extracts from the Expeditions of Abel Janszoon Tasman and Marc-Joseph Marion Dufresne 1642 & 1772, St David's Park Publishing/Tasmanian Government Printing Office, Hobart, 1992, pp. 106, ISBN 0-7246-2241-1.
  • A French Trading Expedition to the Orient: The Voyage of the Montaran 1753–1756, Stockholm University Center for Pacific Asia Studies Working Paper, No.30, August 1992, pp. 20.
  • New Voices in the Southland: Multiculturalism, Ethno-history and Asian Studies in Australia, Stockholm University Center for Pacific Asia Studies Working Paper No.31, September 1992, pp. 15.
  • (met Hendrik Kolenberg) The Second Landing: Dutch Migrant Artists in Australia, Erasmus Foundation, Melbourne, 1993, pp. 56, ISBN 0-646-13593-7.
  • An Officer of the Blue: Marc-Joseph Marion Dufresne 1724–1772, South Sea Explorer, Miegunyah/Melbourne University Press, Melbourne, 1994, pp. 229, ISBN 0-522-84565-7.
  • (met Barry York) Exclusions and Admissions: The Dutch in Australia 1902–1946, Studies in Australian Ethnic History, No. 7, Centre for Immigration and Multicultural Studies, Research School of Social Sciences, Australian National University, Canberra, 1994, pp. 11, ISBN 07315 1913 2 / ISSN 1039-3188.
  • (met Per Tingbrand) Daniel Solander: Collected Correspondence 1753–1782, Miegunyah/Melbourne University Press, Melbourne, 1995, pp. 466, ISBN 0-522-84636-X [Scandinavian University Press, Oslo, 1995 ISBN 82-00-22454-6]
  • A Woman on the Goldfields: Recollections of Emily Skinner 1854–1878, Melbourne University Press, Melbourne, 1995, pp. 129, ISBN 0-522-84652-1.
  • Nature's Argonaut: Daniel Solander 1733–1782, Naturalist and Voyager with Cook and Banks, Miegunyah/Melbourne University Press, Melbourne, 1998, pp. 380, ISBN 0-522-84753-6
  • [Inleiding] Mirror of the Australian Navigation by Jacob Le Maire: A Facsimile of the ‘Spieghel der Australische Navigatie . . .’ 'n Verslag van die seetog van Jacob Le Maire en Willem Schouten 1615–1616, gepubliseer in Amsterdam in 1622, Hordern House vir die Australian National Maritime Museum, Sydney, 1999, pp. 202, ISBN 1-875567-25-9.
  • (met Maryse Duyker, Inleiding en overzetting) Bruny d’Entrecasteaux: Voyage to Australia and the Pacific 1791–1793, Miegunyah/Melbourne University Press, Melbourne, 2001, pp. xliii, pp. 392, ISBN 0-522-84932-6 (2006, ISBN 0-522-85232-7).
  • Citizen Labillardière: A Naturalist’s Life in Revolution and Exploration (1755–1834), Miegunyah/Melbourne University Press, Melbourne, 2003, pp. 383, ISBN 0-522-85010-3 (2004, ISBN 0-522-85160-6).
  • ‘A French Garden in Tasmania: The Legacy of Félix Delahaye (1767–1829)’, in Glynnis M. Cropp, Noel R. Watts, Roger D. J. Collins and K. R. Howe (eds.) Pacific Journeys: Essays in Honour of John Dunmore, Victoria University Press, Wellington, 2005, pp. 21—35.
  • ‘Isle de France and Baudin’s Precursors in Australian Waters’, in Rivière, M. S. & Issur, K. R. (ed.) Baudin–Flinders dans l’Océan Indien: Voyages, découvertes, rencontre: Travels, Discoveries, Encounter: Actes du colloque international organisé par l’Université de Maurice, octobre 2003, L’Harmattan, Paris, 2006, pp. 137–155.
  • François Péron: An Impetuous Life: Naturalist and Voyager, Miegunyah/MUP, Melb., 2006, pp. 349, ISBN 978-0-522-85260-8.
  • A Dictionary of Sea Quotations: From Ancient Egypt to the Present, Miegunyah/Melbourne University Press, Melbourne, 2007, pp. 439, ISBN 0-522-85371-4.
  • Marc-Joseph Marion Dufresne, un marin malouin à la découvertes des mers australes, traduction française de Maryse Duyker (avec l'assistance de Maurice Recq et l'auteur), Les Portes du Large, Rennes, 2010, pp. 352, ISBN 978-2-914612-14-2.
  • Père Receveur: Franciscan, Scientist and Voyager with Lapérouse, Dharawal Publications, Engadine (NSW), 2011, pp. 41, ISBN 978-0-9870727-0-2.
  • Dumont d’Urville: Explorer and Polymath, Otago University Press, Dunedin, 2014, pp. 671, ISBN 978 1 877578 70 0, University of Hawai’i Press, Honolulu, 2014, ISBN 978-0-8248-5139-2.
  • Dumont d’Urville: L'homme et la mer, traduction, revision et adaption par Maryse Duyker, Anne Kehrig et Edward Duyker, Éditions CTHS [Comité des Travaux historiques et scientifiques], Paris, 2021, pp. 600, ISBN 2735509338.

Sien ook

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  • Marius Damas, Approaching Naxalbari, Radical Impression, Calcutta 1991, pp. 68-70 ISBN 81 85 459 01 0
  • Greg Dening,'The Tortoise Wins Again!', in Greg Dening, Readings/Writings, Melbourne University Press, Melbourne, 1998, pp. 201-4, ISBN 0-522-84841-9[2]
  • Greg Dening, 'Too Many Captain Cooks', Australian Book Review, Junie/Julie, 2003, pp. 10-11.*[3]
  • Gunew, S., L. Houbein, A. Karakostas-Seda. & J. Mahyuddin (eds) (1992) A Bibliography of Australian Multicultural Writers, Deakin University Press (Centre for Studies in Literary Education), Geelong, 1992, pp. 71–2.
  • Wallace Kirsop, 'Edward Duyker, or the Achievements of Independent Scholarship', Explorations (Institute for the Study of French-Australian Relations), no. 36, Junie 2004, pp. 17-18.
  • Johan Kruithof, 'A Case of Cultural Theft', in Sue Calwell en Daniel Johnson se There's More to Life than Sex & Money, Penguin, Ringwood 1997, pp. 85-7 ISBN 0-14-026359-4
  • 'Multiethnic histories', La Trobe University Record, Desember 1987, p. 8.
  • Sydney Selvon, 'Interview du Dr Edward Duyker, chercheur Australien d'origine mauricienne', Le Mauricien, jeudi, 5 Julie 1984, p. 3 & 5.
  • 'The Author and the Book: An Interview with Dr Edward Duyker', Vogelvlucht (Uitgave voor Australië en Nieuw Zeeland van de Koninklijke Luchtvaart Maatschappij), 4/1988, p. 11.
  • Vivienne Skinner, 'A man for the times: Edward Duyker', Sydney Morning Herald, Naweekuitgawe, 16-17 September 2006, My Career, p. 2.
  • Who's Who in Australia, Crown Content, Melbourne 2008, p. 676.
  • Who's Who of Australian Writers, Thorpe/National Centre for Australian Studies, Tweede Uitgawe, 1995, pp. 193-4.


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  1. https://www.academiedemarine.com/prixplus.php?num=4
  2. "catalogue.mup.com.au". Geargiveer vanaf die oorspronklike op 12 November 2009. Besoek op 17 Maart 2010.
  3. dspace.flinders.edu.au

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