Jensen Ackles (gebore 1 Maart 1978) is 'n Amerikaanse akteur en regisseur. Hy is bekend vir sy rolle in die rolprente Ten Inch Hero (2007) en My Bloody Valentine (2009), en in die televisiereekse Days of Our Lives (1965) en Supernatural (2005).
- 2007: Ten Inch Hero
- 2009: My Bloody Valentine
- 2014: Different Town
- The Buddy Games
- 1965: Days of Our Lives
- 2000: Dark Angel
- 2003: Still Life
- 2005: Supernatural
- 2010: Project: Comic-Con
- 2012: Undead Noise
- 2006: The 11th Annual Critics' Choice Awards
- 2007: Supernatural File
- 2014: A Very Special Supernatural Special
- 2003: Making the Manticore Monsters
- 2005: Devour
- 2009: My Bloody Valentine (Making of): Deep Inside 'My Bloody Valentine'
- 2010: Batman: Under the Red Hood
- 2010: A First Look at Batman: Under the Red Hood
- 2011: Supernatural and the Quest for the Soul
- 2011: Jensen Ackles: A Director's Journey
- 2014: Na Na Na Batman
- 2015: Supernatural: Supernatural Theater, Staging the 200th Episode