'n Kurator (van Latyn: Curare, wat beteken "om te versorg") is 'n bestuurder of opsigter. Tradisioneel is 'n kurator 'n bewaarder van 'n kulturele erfenisinstelling (bv. galery, museum, biblioteek of argief), en 'n inhoudsspesialis wat die taak het om die instellings se versamelings te versorg, en betrokke is by die interpretasie van erfenismateriaal.
'n Tradisionele kurator se verantwoordelikheid behels tasbare voorwerpe van een of ander soort kunswerk, versamelstukke, historiese items of wetenskaplike versamelings. Meer onlangs het nuwe vorme van kurators ontstaan: kurators van digitale data voorwerpe en biokurators.
Ulster Museum
- Burcaw, G. (1997) Introduction to Museum Work, 3rd edition. Lanham, MD: Altamira Press. ISBN 978-0-7619-8926-4
- Ferguson, B., Greenburg, R. and Nairne, S. (1996) Thinking About Exhibitions ISBN 0-415-11590-6.
- Glaser, J. and A. Zenetou. (1996) Museums: A Place to Work. Routledge. ISBN 978-0-415-12724-0
- Lord, G. and B. Lord. (1997) The Manual of Museum Management. Lanham, MD: Altamira Press. ISBN 0-7591-0249-X
- Kuoni, Carin. (2001) Words Of Wisdom: A Curator's Vade Mecum on Contemporary Art. New York: Independent Curators International (ICI). ISBN 0-916365-60-3
- Marincola, P. (2002) Curating Now: Imaginative Practice/Public Responsibility ISBN 0-9708346-0-8
- Obrist, H. (2008) A Brief History of Curating ISBN 3-905829-55-X.
- Rugg, J. and Segdwick, M (2007) Issues in Curating. Intellect. ISBN 978-1-84150-162-8
- Richter, D. and Drabble, B (2007) Curating Critique. Revolver. ISBN 978-3-86588-451-0
- Spalding, F. (1998) The Tate: A History. Tate Publishing. ISBN 1-85437-231-9.
- Sullivan, L. and Childs, S. (2003) Curating Archaeological Collections ISBN 0-7591-0024-1.
- Thea, C. (2009) On Curating: Interviews with Ten International Curators ISBN 1-935202-00-6.
- Graham, B. and Cook S. (2010) Rethinking Curating. Cambridge: MIT Press. ISBN 0-262-01388-6
- 'Hang it all', article on contemporary curating and the rise of curating degrees, the Observer newspaper, Sunday 9 March 2003.
- 'Career Curating' article on curating contemporary design, the Guardian newspaper, Saturday 14 July 2001.
- Curating.info
- CRUMB – Curatorial Resource for Upstart Media Bliss
- International Curators Program / Antwerp
- The Exhibitionists — geared towards children, an interactive guide to how an exhibition is put together
- Tate staff preparations for the Turner Prize 2008 (blog), Tate, UK
- UMsystem.edu Geargiveer 6 Januarie 2011 op Wayback Machine – University of Missouri Board of Curators
- Interview with Agustín Pérez-Rubio, current director and former chief curator of the MUSAC
- Center for Curatorial Studies at Bard College Graduate Program
- http://www.nua.ac.uk/macuration/
- Critical Curatorial Cybermedia – Research based Masters Programme, Geneva University of Art and Design, Geneva, Switzerland
- Curating Contemporary Art Graduate Program, Royal College of Art, London, UK Geargiveer 28 Julie 2014 op Wayback Machine
- de Appel Curatorial Programme, de Appel arts centre, Amsterdam, Netherlands Geargiveer 23 Maart 2010 op Wayback Machine
- École du Magasin Curatorial Training Program, Le MAGASIN, Grenoble, France
- Exhibition Design & Management, Department for Image Science, Danube University, Krems, Austria
- MA Curatorial Practice, California College of the Arts, San Francisco, California, US Geargiveer 29 Januarie 2009 op Wayback Machine
- MA Curatorship, The University of Melbourne, Melbourne, Australia
- MA Art and Curatorial Practices in the Public Sphere, USC Roski School of Fine Arts, Los Angeles, California
- Master of Art Curatorial Studies – Theory – History – Criticism, Frankfurt, Germany Geargiveer 17 Augustus 2014 op Wayback Machine
- Whitney Independent study program