Slavenka Drakulić |
 Drakulić in 2016 |
Gebore | 4 Julie 1949 (1949-07-04) (75 jaar oud)
Alma mater | Universiteit van Zagreb |
Beroep | Skrywer, joernalis, romansier, essayis |
Toekennings | Leipzig Boekprys vir Europese begrip (2005) vir "They Would Never Hurt a Fly" |
Slavenka Drakulić (* 4 Julie 1949) is 'n Kroatiese skryfster en essayis. Haar werke oor kommunisme en post-kommunisme is in verskeie tale vertaal.[1]
- Holograms Of Fear Hutchinson, Londen (1992).
- Marble Skin Hutchinson, Londen (1993).
- The Taste of a Man Abacus, Londen (1997)
- S -a novel about Balkans (ook bekend as: "As If I Am Not There") (1999). Verwerk vir die rolprent "As If I Am Not There" wat geregisseer is deur Juanita Wilson.
- Frida's Bed Penguin VSA, New York (2008),[2] (in Engels vertaal deur Christina Pribićević-Zorić)[3]
- Smrtni grijesi feminizma (1984) slegs in Kroaties
- How We Survived Communism and Even Laughed, Hutchinson, Londen (1991). ISBN 978-0060975401
- Balkan Express: Fragments from the Other Side of the War, W.W. Norton, New York (1993). ISBN 978-0060976088
- Cafe Europa: Life After Communism Abacus, Londen (1996) ISBN 978-0140277722
- They Would Never Hurt a Fly: War Criminals on Trial in the Hague Abacus -Time Warner, Londen (2004) ISBN 978-0143035428
- S. (1999) : 1 Januarie 2001, Penguin Books ISBN 978-0140298444
- "Tijelo njenog tijela" (2006) beskikbaar in Kroaties, Duits en Pools. Beskikbaar as 'n e-boek in Engels as "Flesh of Her Flesh".
- "Two Underdogs and a Cat", Seagull Books . Londen, NY, Kolkata (2009)
- A Guided Tour through the Museum of Communism. Fables from a Mouse, a Parrot, a Bear, a Cat, a Mole, a Pig, a Dog, and a Raven, Penguin, New York, (2011) ISBN 978-0143118633 Ook beskikbaar in Kroaties, Persies, Sweeds, Bulgaars en Italiaans.[4]
- Cafe Europa Revisited, Penguin (2021) ISBN 978-0143134176, ook in Kroaties, Oekraïens en Persies.[5]