Tinna Gunnlaugsdóttir

Tinna Gunnlaugsdóttir
Geboorte 18 Junie 1954 (1954-06-18) (70 jaar oud)
Nasionaliteit Yslands
Beroep(e) Aktrise en assistentregisseuse

Tinna Gunnlaugsdóttir (gebore 18 Junie 1954) is 'n Yslandse aktrise en assistentregisseuse. Sy is bekend vir haar rolle in die rolprente Shadow of the Raven (1988), Privacy (1995), en The Honour of the House (1999), en in die televisiereeks Réttur (2009).


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  • 1981: Outlaw: The Saga of Gisli
  • 1984: Atomic Station
  • 1985: Cool Jazz and Coconuts
  • 1988: Shadow of the Raven
  • 1992: As in Heaven
  • 1995: Privacy
  • 1995: Ein stór fjölskylda
  • 1999: The Honour of the House


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  • 2009: Réttur

Eksterne skakels

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