
Afro-Eurasia[1] (also Afroeurasia[2] or Eurafrasia[3]) is ān Worulddǣl Onstandan sēo Ƿorulddǣlas of Africa, Asia, ond Europe. sēo Genemnan bist

Rūmerlīcor wordum of sēo hātanum of hit is Healf.[3] hit is Ƿorulddǣl is sēo micel ond Mæst Folcweleg bunden Worulddǣl on Eorðe.

Afro-Eurasia Bebugan 84,980,532 feowerecge kilometres (32,811,167 sq mi), 57% of sēo Eorðe's land, ond hæfþ ān Eorðwaru of ealmæst 6.7 billion folc, ealmæst 86% of sēo Eorðwaru[4]