
République du Bénin
Benines fāna
Benines ricescild
Þēodlic cwide: Fraternité, Justice, Travail
(Englisc: "Brōðerhād, Riht, Ƿeorc")
Ambihtlicu sprǣc Frencisc
Elles gereordas Fon
Heafodstol Porto-Novo
Mæste Burg Cotonou
Brego Patrice Talon Foresittend
Bradnes 114,763 km2
Menniscu 10,008,749
Mancynnes þiccnes hēr 94.8 km-2
Landesforþbæro $26.177 x 109 (2017)
Feoh Ƿestaffrican CFA franc
Tidgyrdel Eallic tid UTC+01:00, Africa/Porto-Novo
Þēodlic antefn L'Aube Nouvelle
Sundorricehad 1 Ƿēodmōnaþ 1960, of Francum
Wægnplatung DY
Webbnamena tægl .bj
Getalu forerīma feorsprecan be lande +229

Benin is lytel rīce on Ƿestaffrice and his naman ƿæs ærror Dahomey. Benin hæfþ landgemæro ƿiþ Togoland beƿesten, ƿiþ Nigeria be ēasten, and ƿið Burkina Faso and Nigerland benorðen.

Nearu is þis land and his landfolces mæst dæl oneardeð his sǣrīm on þæm Benin Byhte. His mæste burg is Cotonou, ac þæs rīces hēafodstōl is Porto-Novo. Hēr spricþ man manige gereord. Þæs rīces ambehtsprǣc is Frencisc ac eardfæst gereord sind on þæm tunge and onmang him sind Fon and Georuba.

In geardagum ƿeax Dahomey rīce of þēoƿceapunge. Francas hit gehiersumoden in 1894.

Ūtƿearda hlencas

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