
Micel Clufdenu on Arrisona.

A clūfdenu is dēop clēof betwēon escarpmōd and cliffa, which cōm fram wedering and þǣre ēadrican þēowunga of ān ēa ofer geāra tīmas. Ēa habbað cyndelīċ tendenċe tō cuttan þurh underlyfend surfaces, ðēah þæt wearð stānhēow þurh rockhēow, while sediment hāfð bēon ofslægen wæstmbearu. An ēa-bēad wīll geōmblīċ bēon þǣre sylfne hlēo, þæt is se ylca hēahness swā se wæterdæl tō þe ēa bēoð beēam. Þā weðer- and ēadrican processa wyrcaþ clēof when ēa's heafodwæter and ēastwurð beon on micel hēahness, ān ēowēc in þǣm stānhēowæra and hrymīgre rockhēow which þēah cyned mērð.