Colnes Hēafodcirice

Colnes Hēafodcirice

Colnes Hēafodcirice is Rēmisc hēafodcirice in Coln þǣre ceastre in westernum Þeodscland.

Þes bold is þæs Ercebiscopes of Colnes setl and is mǣre gemyndstōwe to Gotiscum timbercræfte. Man þās cirice in 1996 abanned swa Woruldes Irfe Stōwe. Hēo is Germanie gesōhtedoste landnearc and twentig þūsand men cymað in ælcum dæge (be efennesse geond þǣm geare). Hēo stent swa Middangeardes hēaste twegen-gestipeled cirice forþæm þ hēo is 515 fēt hēah.

Man angann to timbrienne Colnes Hēafodcirice in 1248 ac ætfer twæm hundred fīf and twentig winter wæs hē unfulworhte and þes gewearc hæfde steal in 1473. Geweorc eft anfang in 1842 be þæs Cāseres banne and wæs fullworht in 1880.

Ðēos hēafodcirice is sēo mǣste Gotisce cirice in Norðernum Europan and hiere torra giefeþ hiere sēo mǣste ansȳn onmang eallum cirican in Middangearde.

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