Se Cuscan Rīċe (c. 1e–3e ȝēarhundred) ƿæs rīċe þæt in his grēatan tīde, ymbe 105–250, leȝde of Tajikistan, tō Caspia sǣ, tō Afghanistan, tō Gandis dene.
Þes rīċe hæfþ se Cuscan folc of Yuezhi ȝemacod, þæt cōmon of tōdæȝes Xinjiang in Ċīnan, man þincþ hīe sind cynn tō þǣm Toharisc folc. Hīe hæfdon diplomatic contacts mid Rōme, Sassanisc Persea and Cīna, and for several centuries were at the center of exchange betƿēonum þǣm Ēaste and Ƿeste.
Heraios (c. 1 – 30), forma Cuscan ƿealdend, ȝemǣnelīċe Cuscan ƿealdungtīd is ȝecnēatod Kujula Kadphises (c. 30 – c. 80) Vima Takto, (c. 80 – c. 105) elcor ȝehāten Soter Megas oþþe "Miċel Hǣlend." Vima Kadphises (c. 105 – c. 127) se forma miċela Cuscena cāsere Kanishka I (127 – c. 147) Vāsishka (c. 151 – c. 155) Huvishka (c. 155 – c. 187) Vasudeva I (c. 191 – 225), se sīðemesta miċelra Cuscena cāsera Kanishka II (c. 226 – 240) Vashishka (c. 240 – 250) Kanishka III (c. 255 – 275) Vasudeva II (c. 290 – 310) Chhu (c. 310? – 325?) Shaka I (c. 325 – 345) Kipunada (c. 350 – 375)