
Ā gemǣld of cūcnapan fram Ceorle Hrūswīel.

Cūcnapa (Niwenglisc: cowboy Spēonisce: vaquero) is ān weardian dȳr ēaƿað hriðer on hræfnessum in Norðamerica, ġetīðe on hors, and oft wyrcþ manig ūtanweard tācno. Sē sīþgengel ġeworden hīstoric Amerisc cūbōia of þǣre late 19þ yld of ārisen fram þǣre vaquero trēowena of norðerne Mēxico and bið ā wundorlīc figūr of spēcialre ealdorsceap and lēodfruman.

Ā ġeswīþung, ācweðen ā wrangler, be māran ēacan sīðigþ hors gebendan tō wyrcean hriðer. Būtan þǣre hræfweorc, sume cūbōian weorcian for oþþe āwrītan on rōdeon. Cūgyrele, ǣrest beƿiten swā on þǣre late 19þ yld, hæfde ā lǣssa wel oferæt; ac on þǣre modernan woruld wyrcað on gemǣnlicum tācnū and hæfð ġecierred mycelne ēadmōdnes for hiera geweorcum.

Hriðer handlian in manigum oþrum dǣlum þǣre worulde, sēcarlic on Sūðamerica and stoccmann and ceapweargas in Australia, wyrcþ weorc gelīc to þām cūcnapan.