Dave Dobbyn

Dave Dobbyn (mid þǣm titul ONZM) is Nīƿsǣlendisc hēahgieffōnde drēamere, sangere, sangƿrītere, and drēamhordforþberend. On his ǣrran ƿeorcƿege ƿæs hē agylda þæs ƿeolcdrēamlīcan hēapes Th' Dudes and þæs gēogoþdrēamlīcan hēapes DD Smash. Þǣræfter hafaþ hē forþboren þæt mǣste dǣl his drēamhorda tō ānscēaƿere.

Th' Dudes

[adihtan | adihtan fruman]

Dobbynes ǣrost spēd cōm mid þǣm ƿeolcdrēamhēape Th' Dudes, þæs agylda hē ƿearþ hraðe æfter hē lēt Sacred Heart College on þǣre underbyrig Glen Innes Auclandes. Þæs trēpes spēd "Be Mine Tonight" (þe mǣnþ "Ƿes Mīn Tōniht") feng sigebēacen tō ānsange þæs gēares on þǣm 1979 gēare on Nīƿum Sǣlande, þā hƿīle se sang "Bliss" hæfþ hefigtācne (and smicerhīƿunglīce, for þȳ hit ǣrost ƿæs tō ƿiþmedulīcum sange geƿriten) Nīƿsǣlendisc medusang.

Æfter Th' Dudes tōfōron, Dobbyn staðolode þone gēogoþdrēamtrēpe DD Smash. Þæs trēpes ǣrost drēamhord Cool Bananas undergan on Nīƿes Sǣlandes drēamgetalum sƿā formest. Þæs trēpes spēdge ānsangas fæðmode "Devil you know", "Outlook for Thursday", and þone fiðelhrinenan sang "Whaling"

Ānlēpig ƿeorcƿeg

[adihtan | adihtan fruman]

Þǣr DD Smash tōfōron, Dobbyn undergann tō gānne on spēdgum ānlēpgum ƿeorcƿege; hē aƿrāt þone drēam þæs līflīcan fullan īƿungspelles Footrot Flats: The Dog's Tale]] on þǣm 1986 gēare. Þæt īƿungspell hæfde tƿegen spēdge ānsangas: "Oughta Be in Love" and þone getæloferƿinnendan sang "Slice of Heaven", þe ƿæs sƿēgƿriten mid þǣm trēpe Herbs. Æfter þǣre forþsettunge þæs īƿungspelles, "Slice of Heaven" ƿearþ ān Dobbynes gecūðostra sanga, oft gebrocen on landsōcncȳþþum gedōn on Australiscre feorrsihþe þā byldaþ lēoda tō sēcenne Nīƿe Sǣland. Tō ƿæstme þisses, manige Australisce unearnostlīce hēton þone sang Nīƿes Sǣlandes rīcisc sang.

Siþþan þǣm 1988 gēare hafaþ Dobbyn forþboren seofon ānlēpgu sƿēzhord and þrēo gemǣmdrēamhord. Þā ānlēpgan drēamhord befōþ þæt Geānedrīcisce sƿēgƿritene drēamhord Lament for the Numb þe ƿæs fram Mitchell Froome forþboren, and ēac þone æftercuman Twist on þǣm 1994 gēare, þe ƿæs forþboren fram gefērlīcum Nīƿsǣlendiscum sangere and sangƿrītende Neile Finne.

Dobbynes spēdig sang "Loyal" (þæs 1988 gēares) ƿæs gebrocen tō sange þæs Nīƿsǣlendiscan Hēapes on þǣm asprungenan beorge America's Cup. Hē hæfþ ēac forþboren drēamhord þǣm Australiscan sangere Grante McLennane and hæfþ geforðod drēamhordum fram Jenny Morris, Gyane Evanse, Bice Rungan, and ōðrum. Hē hæfþ ēac befaren mid Rungan and Time Finne, þe ƿæs gemyndod on þǣm ƿæfersīnlīcan drēamhorde Together in Concert: Live, on þǣm 2000 gēare.

Dobbynes drēamhord Available Light, þe ƿæs forþboren on þǣm 2005 gēare, andfeng folclīce and dēmendlīce befæstunge. On þǣm 2005 gēare plegede Dobbyn þone lādānsang fram Available Light, "Welcome Home" (þe mǣnþ "Ƿilcume Hām") be þǣre New Zealand Music Awards hēahgiefa gifte. Under þǣre ƿæfersīne, Ahmed Zaoi, þe ƿæs sēcende ƿiþ fæstnesscartan gifen for rǣsƿedum bandum egesherum, cōm on þǣre ƿæferstōƿe mid Dobbyne.[1]

His forþberung þæs drēamhordes Anotherland on þǣm 2008 gēare cōm on þæt NZ Top 40 Album Charts mid þǣre ōðerre endebyrdnesse[2] and belāf on þǣm getæle 6 ƿuca, endlīce fōnde goldene setnesse.

Hādlīc līf

[adihtan | adihtan fruman]

Dobbyn is eftgeboren Crīsten, and hafaþ geƿorden ƿīfod on Anneliesje under þǣm mǣstan dǣle his ƿeorcƿeges. Þā tū habbaþ tū cildru cened.


[adihtan | adihtan fruman]

On Ǣrran Gēolan þæs 1984 gēares, DD Smash ƿæs tēonde be ūtanƿeardre ƿæfersīne on Aoteaplæsan on Auclande. Under heora tīman ƿæs þǣr spearccræftapringness þe dydon dǣl þæs gemanges unstillu. Heora sumu undergunnon tō ƿeorpenne bēorflæscan and burgƿeardas hīe ætfeahton. Sēo gelimplīcness ƿearþ geƿersod and sume þæs hrēamsƿēotes ƿæs abannen. Dobbyn dydon unsǣlgu ƿord be þǣm burgƿeardum þe ƿēnendlīce ahyrtede þǣm hrēame. Sēo ƿæftersīn ƿæs fōresteped fram þǣm burgƿeardum and dǣl þæs gemanges dydon bolgenlīce, tōbrecende cēaphūsa ēagdura on Cƿēnstǣte on Auclande. Se forma þegn David Lange hēt ǣrend ascunge and tō ƿæstme ƿæs sacung ƿīt Dobbyn gedōn, þæt hē hrēam hēte. Þā sprǣce ƿeargnesse ƿǣron on þǣm Ǣrran Līðan þæs 1985 gēares undergunnen. His forespreca spēdiglīce hine bearg and hē ƿæs gelādod fram þǣre sacunge "gebǣres ƿīsan þe gelīce anstelle hǣste ƿiþ hād oþþe ǣhte and nytte bismerƿorda".[3]

Hēahgiefa and Lofas

[adihtan | adihtan fruman]

Be þǣm New Zealand Music Awards þæs 2001 gēares andfōh Dobbyn Līftīman Þurhtēounge Hēafgiefe. On þǣm 2002 gēare ƿearþ hē Ambeht þǣre Nīƿes Sǣlandes Endebyrdnesse Ƿeorðes tō þonce his 'cræfta and geforðunga'[4]. On þǣm 2005 gēare and þǣm 2006 gēare andfōh hē þā hēahgiefe þæs "Formestan Sangƿrīteres þæs Gēares" and þæs "Betstan Ƿerlīcan Ānsangeres" on ilcan endebyrdnesse, heora bū for his ƿeorce tō Available Light.

Tīen sangas his cōmon on Nīƿes Sǣlandes Betstra 100 Sanga getæle (on þǣre "Nature's Best" endebyrdnesse) sƿā gecoren fram Australasian Performing Rights Association agyldan. Þās ƿǣron:

  • 3: Dave Dobbyn - "Loyal" (mǣnþ "Getrēoƿ")
  • 7: Dave Dobbyn mid Herbs - "Slice of Heaven" (mǣnþ "Dǣl Heofona")
  • 12: DD Smash - "Whaling" (mǣnþ "Hƿælhuntoþ")
  • 27: Th' Dudes - "Be Mine Tonight" (mǣnþ "Ƿēs Mīn Tōniht")
  • 29: Dave Dobbyn - "Beside You" (mǣnþ "Be Þē")
  • 31: DD Smash - "Outlook For Thursday" (mǣnþ "Hopa Þunorsdæges")
  • 35: Dave Dobyyn - "Language" (mǣnþ "Sprǣc")
  • 50: Th' Dudes - "Bliss" (mǣnþ ilce ƿord on Englisce)
  • 70: Dave Dobbyn - "You Oughta Be In Love" (mǣnþ "Þū Scoldest Unandƿendlīce Lufian")
  • 100: Dave Dobbyn - "Naked Flame" (mǣnþ "Unƿrogen Fȳrƿilm")
  1. Zaoui singþ mid Dobbyne Archived 2007-09-29 at the Wayback Machine (from News Talk ZB tīdungspelle, mid þǣre tælmearce þæs 6 dæge þæs 10 mōnaðes þæs 2006 gēares
  2. NZ Album Chart
  3. Queen Street riot 1984 (from New Zealand history online þæs New Zealand Ministry for Culture and Heritage)
  4. Dobbyn Awarded ONZM in 2002 New Years Honours List. Writen fram the original on 2012-03-22. Begieten on 2011-01-21.