Se drēam is cræft, þe ge sƿēg ge stilnysse biþ.
Drēam mæg man mid missenlīcum gomenƿudum and stefnum drēman. Sind mænigfealdlīce cynn, sƿilce þā folclican drēamas, þā geþȳƿe drēamas, drēamcræft, and þā godcundan drēamas.
Þæt ƿord drēam on Ǣnglisce is fram Þēodisce (Traum) gelæded. In Nīƿenglisce brȳcaþ man þæt ƿord music, þe is fram Crēacisce (μουσική oððe mousike; "cræft þāra elfena").[1]