Dunecan II Scotta Cyning

Dunecan II
Fæder Melcolm III Scotta Cyning
Modor Ingibiorg Finnsdottir
Geboren 1060
Deaþ 12 Blotmonað 1094

Dunecan II wæs Scotta Cyning for fif monþum in 1094. He wæs Melcomes sunu Cyninges be Melcomes Cyninges forma wif seo wæs Ingebeorg Finnsdohtor.

In Seremonðe 1094 asettede Dunecan his eam Dufenal Cyning, ac beforan se ilcan winter cwom Dufenal eft and hine slog æt sæcce. Se Cranic bereceþ of his scortum cynedome:

ða Scottas þa Dufenal to cynge gecuron Melcolmes broðer. 7 ealle þa Englisce ut adræfdon. þe ær mid þam cynge Melcolme wæron. Ða þa Dunecan Melcolmes cynges sunu þis eall gehyrde þus gefaren. se on þæs cynges hyrede Willelmes wæs. swa swa his fæder hine ures cynges fæder ær to gisle geseald hæfde. 7 her swa syððan belaf. he to þam cynge com. 7 swilce getrywða dyde. swa se cyng æt him habban wolde. 7 swa mid his unne to Scotlande for. mid þam fultume þe he begytan mihte Engliscra 7 Frenciscra. and his mæge Dufenal þes rices benam. 7 to cynge wearð underfangen. Ac þa Scottas hi eft sume gegaderoden. 7 forneah ealle his mænu ofslogan. 7 he sylf mid feawum ætbærst. Syððan hi wurdon sehte. on þa gerad þæt he næfre eft Englisce ne Frencisce into þam lande ne gelogige

And of his deað bereceþ he:

Ðises geares eac þa Scottas heora cyng Dunecan besyredon 7 ofslogan. 7 heom syððan eft oðre syðe his fæderan Dufenal to cynge genamon. þurh þes lare 7 to tihtinge he wearð to deaðe beswicen.

Cyningas of Englalande, Scotlande and Grēatre Brytene

Engla ƿealdendas fore 1603 Scotta ƿealdendas fore 1603

Æþelstan  • Ēadmund I  • Ēadred  • Ēadƿig  • Ēadgar I  • Ēadweard se Martyr  • Æþelred Unrǣd  • Swegn  • Ēadmund II  • Cnut  • Harold Harafōt  • Harðacnut  • Ēadƿeard Andettere  • Harold II  • Ēadgar II  • Ƿillelm I  • Ƿillelm II  • Heanric I  • Stefn  • Cāseren Mæþhild • Heanric II  • Riċheard I  • Iohannes  • Heanric III  • Ēadƿeard I  • Ēadƿeard II  • Ēadƿeard III  • Riċheard II  • Heanric IV  • Heanric V  • Heanric VI  • Ēadƿeard IV  • Ēadƿeard V  • Riċheard III  • Heanric VII  • Heanric VIII  • Ēadƿeard VI  • Iane • Maria I  • Elisabeþ I

Cenneþ I  • Dufenal I  • Costontinus I  • Æd  • Giric  • Eochaid  • Dufenal II  • Costontinus II  • Mælcolm I  • Indulf  • Dub  • Cuilén  • Cenneþ II  • Costontinus III  • Cenneþ III  • Mælcolm II  • Dunecan I  • Macbeoþan  • Lulach  • Mælcolm III  • Dyfenal III  • Dunecan II  • Dufenal III  • Ēadgar  • Alexander I  • Dauid I  • Mælcolm IV  • Willelm I  • Alexander II  • Alexander III  • Meregrot  • Forma Cyninglēastīd  • Iohannes  • Oðer Cyninglēastīd  • Roðbert I  • Dauid II  • Roðbert II  • Roðbert III  • Iacobus I  • Iacobus II  • Iacobus III  • Iacobus IV  • Iacobus V  • Maria I  • Iacobus VI

Engla and Scotta anƿealdendas siþðan þæm Cynebeaga Gæd in 1603

Iacobus I & VI  • Carl I  • Cyninglēastīd  • Carl II  • Iacobus II & VII  • Ƿillelm and Maria, þan Ƿillelm anhaga  • Anne  • Georgius I  • Georgius II  • Georgius III  • Georgius IV  • Ƿillelm IV  • Uictoria  • Ēadƿeard VII  • Georgius V  • Ēadƿeard VIII  • Georgius VI  • Elisabeþ II  • Carl III

* Æƿēnu rican and bisǣccu earon in italiscum stafum.