
Ā gaderung þæs folces dǣlincgian tō dǣlincgdrēame in Russland.

Dǣlincdrēam is drēam gesetnunge spēcfullīce tō gelīefan oþþe tō fylgan dǣlan. Hē mæg bēon ǣghwæðer ǣnliċ sticca oþþe dǣl ēacere sangcræftes. Būtan ġecynde, þā mǣran gecyrrednesse sindon līfend dǣlincgmūsīc and ġerǣced dǣlincgmūsīc. Hwīlum sindon ġeƿitnesse of þǣre gemǣncnunge dǣlan and mūsīce on ǣnlīcum tīdum (swā swā Anciȝ Grēcisc vāsas hwīlum ætēoƿiaþ dǣnȝeras tō lēdan mid sangere), þā frēmestan Westerne dǣlincgmūsīc þe wē magon swā gelyfan sindon ealdfǣrende dǣlas. On þǣre Bearucan tide, þā mǣran dǣlincgstiġas wǣron æðele cōrt dǣlincgstiġas (sēo Bearuca dǣlincgstiġ).

On þǣre ġetāwe mūsīc ǣran, sē mīnet wæs frecuente ġebrōcod swā þridda wīeg, þēah on þissum gemǣne hit ne wolde gelīefan nān dǣlan. Sē wealcan ēac ēaros swā on þǣre ġetāwan ēran. Bā ƿǣron āðele be fēondlīcum mǣȝǣn, þēah hī ēac gelāmpon lātor on þǣre ġetāwan ēran. Bā ƿǣron ānweald of þǣre rōmcynnende mūsīce tide, sēo ēac gesēah þā stīginge of manigum ōðrum þēodscipe dǣlforman swā sēo bearcarola, mazurca, ēcossaise, bale and polonaise.