
Esperanto biþ mangeƿroht gereord. On eallum sƿylcum geƿrohtum sprǣcum is Esperanto þæt brādost gesprocene. Hiere nama cymþ of Doktoro Esperanto, under sƿylcum naman ƿrāt his Fruma, L L Zamenhof, and se nama Esperanto is on þǣre āgensprǣce "mann se hopað". Be þissum naman ƿrāt Zamenhof his ǣrstan bōc þǣrin ascrāf hē Esperanto, sēo Unua Libro, in 1887. Zamenhofes ende ƿæs tō sciepenne gereord þæt bið scort tō leornienne þæt mōt fēdan frið betƿēonum ðēodum.

Man segeð ðe Esperanto hæfþ hūru 10,000 sprecenda oþþe tƿā þūsendu þūsanda.

Ƿeallscīte ymbe Esperanto