
Gifica ƿæs Burgenda Cyning in þǣre endhealfe þæs 4. gēarhundes ōþ his dēað in oððe ymbe þæt 407. Hē ƿæs fæder tō Guðorm I, Giselhere and Gūðhere. Hē is rinc in sagum ac ēac in stǣre forþǣm þe Gundobad Burgenda Cyning ƿrāt of his cynedōme in his rihtbēc, Lex Burgundionum.

Þæs cyninges naman is on manigum þēoda sagum. In missenlicum gereordum is his nama Gjúki, Gibica, Gebicar, Gibicho or Gippich.

Se scop þæs Ƿīdsīðes sanges ƿrāt þe Gifica ƿæs Burgenda rīca ac segeþ nā mā. In þæm Norðiscan geƿeorce Atlakviða be naman (se is 'Ætla Lēod') hātte hēGjúki, and se scop segeþ þe Gifica ƿæs Gūþheres fæder. In þǣm geƿeorce hē is ǣr cyning on þǣm Nifelingum and of him is þæt cynn genemned Gjúkungar, se is 'Gificingas'.

Snorri Sturluson segeþ in Edda his bēc þe Gifica ('Gjúki') hæfde tƿegen sunan - Gūþhere ('Gunnar') and Hagenan ('Hogni') – and āne dōhtor, Gūðrūne. Gotþorm (Sigefriþes bana) is his stēopsunu of his ƿīfe Grimhilde ǣrran hǣmedes.

In Edda lēoðe is ēac Gudny, Gifican and Grimhilde ōðru dōhtor. In þǣm Guðrunarkvida is þēos dōhtor Gullrond be naman.