
Scirung: Þonne man brȳcþ þis ƿord sƿā rihtliċ, "God" is mǣst miċel ȝeƿriten nū. Þis ȝeƿrit nis ymb þone þanc goda, gydenna and ōðera goda ȝemǣnelīċe.

God ȝetācnaþ þæt ūpliċe ƿiht, þe man ȝemǣnelīċe cnǣƿþ sƿā ƿealdend oþþe Scieppend þæs eallrūmes, oþþe þǣre inƿiste þǣrinne. Þis ȝeƿit Godes is ȝemǣnnes ƿiþinnan āngodȝeleaffulla ǣfæstnessa. Þis god is unƿǣre.

God on Āngodgelēafan

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God on Cristendōme

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On Cristendōme God is gelīefed tō ƿesenne se ƿyrhta ǣghƿæs; ōþer þonne þæt, manige gelēafan sindon misslice betƿeox þēaƿum.

Crīstendōm hǣtþ hine selfne āngodgelīefende gelēafacund. Sume menn ƿiþsægþ þis, for þǣm Crīstendōm ēac oft sægþ, þæt God hæfþ þrēo dǣl - God se Fæder, God se Sunu, and se Hālga Gāst.

On Rēmiscum Crīstendōme gelīefaþ manige menn þæt Maria, mōdor Ieses, sī hēahcƿene heofones, and þæt hēo cymþ betƿeox Gode and mannum tō biddenne for mannum; Nīƿod Crīstendōm, þēah, oftest sægþ þæt āna Crīst bītt Gode þǣm Fæder for ūs.

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