
Iudeas bētaþ in þæm bēthūse on Gōdbotdæge

Gōdbotdæg is se hāligosta dæg þæs gēares on Iudeum. He is for gōdbote and behrēowsunge. Iudeas begāþ þisne hāliga dæg mid fæstne and gebēad, and oft geefnaþ hie þone hele dæg in þǣre samnunge.

Sēo Biblioþēce secgþ þe Gōdbotdæg biþ "se tēoþ dæg þæs sēofenþe mōnaþ" and Iudeisc lār is þe þes dæg is "Sabbatus þāra Sabbatus". Þisses mōnaþes forma dæg is þæs geares hēafod on Iudeum and ēac on þissum dæg forgefnes of synnum is geascod of God.

In Leuiticus þære bēc in Hēafodweard 16 is gewriten of þisse dæge:

And hit sceal bēon gesetnes for ever unto you: in þæm seofenþe monaþ, on þæm tēoþe dæg þæs monaþes, sceallon ge adreccan eower sāwlas, and sceall dōn nān geweorccynn, noððe hāmgeboren, noððe se fremede se līþ omang eow.
For on þisse dæg sceall bōt bēon gefrummed for eow, to aclǣnsienne eow fram eall eower synnum sceall ge bēon clæn fore þæm DRYHTNE.