Sēo Grēate Ebbung wæs sēo gemǣne fæsthafolnesse sīgung gesewen in worulde cēapung-gemōtum um þæt ende þāra ærestena tīen gēara þǣre 21þan ælde. The exact scale and timing of the recession is debated and varied from country to country.[1][2] In terms of overall impact, the IMF concluded that it was the worst global recession since World War II.[3][4] According to the U.S. National Bureau of Economic Research (the official arbiter of U.S. recessions) the U.S. recession began in December 2007 and ended in June 2009, and thus extended over 19 months.[5] Sēo Grēate Ebbung wæs þǣre U.S. hȳrfeoh frǣcednesse 2007–08 and þǣre underǣrestan feohlǣnunge frǣcednesse 2007–09 gelenge.