Mohamed Ibrahim Warsame oðre naman Hadraawi wæs Somalisc scop. In 1943 wæs he geboren, and he forðferde in 2022. His binama mænþ "Spræcbodere".
Hadraawi wrat in þæm Somala gereorde. He wrat leoþ and dreame and plegas.
His cenningstow wæs Burao se þorp in Togdheerlande in þæm Bryttiscan Somalalande. Earm wæs his cynn. In 1953 fang he mid his eame to Aden se wæs Bryttiscu landbunes on Arabum.
Þan menn in Somalarices norðdæle aras and wrohtede sundorrice be naman Somalaland, stod Hadraawi mid him.
He stearf in Hargeisan, se is Somalilandes headburg.