Hloðere I Francena Cyning

Hloðhere I
Scesscunse Cyning
Cynedom 511 – 558
Foregenga Hloþwig I
Æftergenga Helpric I
Aurelianes Cyning
Cynedom 524 – 558
Foregenga Hloþmær
Æftergenga Guþhræfn
Rema Cyning
Cynedom 555 – 558
Foregenga Þeodbeald
Æftergenga Sigebeorht I
Parises Cyning
Cynedom 558
Foregenga Hildbeorht I
Æftergenga Herebeorht I
Bryd Guðwige
Bearn Guþhere
Herebeorht I
Hus Mæringas
Fæder Hloþwig I
Modor Hloðhild
Geboren 498
unknown value, Scesscuns
Deaþ 29 Blotmonað 561
unknown value, Scesscuns
Æfastnes Cealcedonisc Cirice

Hloðere I eac Hloþhere I Hloþwiging (c. 497 – 29. dæg Blotmonðes 561) wæs Francena Cyning ðæs Mæringa cynecynn. He wæs an on feower gebreþer þa wæron Hloðwiges sunan.

Hloþheres fæder, Hloðwic I Francena Cyning, dælde his rice be his feower sunum tweonum. In geare 511, Hloþhere I ierfde twa mycele land on Franclandes westriman, his broþor Hildebeorhtes I land gespelded. Mæst his lifes Hloþhere forspende miċelian his cynedom; his agen cyþþa and cynn he slog and oferwann snæccan heora land.

Hloþeres land (brun) growende

His broþru, fyrhtende of blodguþe, efnƿorhton mid Hloþeres oferƿinnum on mearcland togædere eac to geondsƿogenne land æfter heora dēaþum rixiendra. Þa reaf ƿæron gedæled betweon broþrum. Bi his deaþtide, Hloþere gegngeanode Francland þurh þæt he his broþru utlifde and heora land feng æfter hie diegdon. Ac on þære tide his agen deaþe, þæt Francisc Rice ƿæs gedæled gean be his agen feoƿer libbende sunum tƿeonum. Hræfn, his fifta sunu, uprarode and ƿæs gecweald, mid his cynne.

Francena Cyningas

Mæringas:   Hloðwic Hildericing  • Hildbeorht I  • Hloðere I  • Herebeorht I  • Guntram  • Hilperic I  • Sigebeorht I  • Hildbeorht II  • Hloðere II  • Dægbeorht I  • Sigebeorht II  • Hloðwic Dægbeorhting  • Hloðere III  • Hilderic II Francena Cyning  • Þeodric III  • Hloðwic Þeodricing  • Hildberht III  • Dægbeorht III  • Hilperic II  • Hloðere IV  • Þeodric IV  • Hilderic III  • Carlingas::   Pippen se Scorta  • Carloman I  • Carl Micela  • Hloðwig I  • Carl II  • Hloðwig II  • Hloðwig III  • Carloman II  • Carl Fætta  • Oda  • Carl III  • Hroðberht I  • Hroðwulf  • Hloðwig IV  • Hloðere  • Hloðwig V  • Capetingas:   Hugo Capet  • Hroðberht II  • Henric I  • Philippus I  • Hloðwig VI  • Hloðwig VII  • Philippus II  • Hloðwig VIII  • Hloðwig IX  • Philippus III  • Philippus IV  • Hloðwig X  • Iohannes I  • Philippus V  • Carl IV  • Valois Hus:   Philippus VI  • Iohannes II  • Carl V  • Carl VI  • Lonċeastre Hūs:   Heanric VI Engla Cyning  • Valois Hūs eft:   Carl VII  • Hloðwig XI  • Carl VIII  • Hloðwig XII  • Francis I  • Henric II  • Francis II  • Carl IX  • Henric III  • Bourbon Hūs:   Henric IV  • Hloðwig XIII  • Hloðwig XIV  • Hloðwig XV  • Hloðwig XVI  • Hloðwig XVII  • Bonapartingas:   Napoleon I  • Napoleon Napoleoning  • Bourbon Hūs eft:   Hloðwig XVIII  • Carl X  • Hloðwig XIX  • Henric V  • Orlēans Hūs:   Hloðwig Philippus I  • Bonapartingas eft:   Napoleon III