Sēo hornġesundmaciġen oþþe onefoldlic, horn is ǣniġ of a floccas of ġesundmaciġen ƿyrċan of a pīpe, ġewunelīċeg ƿyrċan of metallum and oft bende in moniġ wēgs, wīþ ān nearuend into hwīc sēo the ġesundcræftere blēowen, and a wīdende fram hwīc sund sceawodenupp. In horns, unlīcian sum oþþere bræsġesundmaciġen swelċ as þē bīeme, sēo bore slāwlic grōwen in ƿidþ þurh mǣst of hits lengþu—þæt is seċġan, hit is weċġlīc hraþor þanne hringtorr.[1] Inn iæss and ƿelcnaƿendrēam settanung, sēo word magan be fricuodon lǣuslīc to ċealliġebæc to ǣniġ windġesundmaciġen, and a fytt of bræs āhwæþer wuduwind ġesundmaciġen, āhwæþer ān miscian of sēo tƿā, is namen a hornfytt in þæs settanungs.