
How to read a taxoboxWikipǣdia:How to read a taxobox
How to read a taxobox

Cræftlicu endebyrdung
Rīce: Animalia
Stefn: Chordata
Understefn: Vertebrata
Flocc: Mammalia
Oferhād: Laurasiatheria
Hād: Carnivora
Cnēoris: Pinnipedia
Cnōsl: Phoca
Cynn: P. rosmarus
Type species
Phoca rosmarus
Linnaeus, 1758[2]
Distribution of walrus
Distribution of walrus

O. rosmarus rosmarus
O. rosmarus divergens
O. rosmarus laptevi


Phoca rosmarus Linnaeus, 1758

Horshƿæl is micel sǣbūende sycedēor. His hām is þæt frorene brim. Horshƿæl hæfþ þicce gelende on his fullum bodige, and tƿegen elpendbǣnene tūxas and man hæfþ hine þurh maniga ielda gehuntod for his flǣsc and elpendbān.

Horsƿælcynn is gelīc seolhcynne.

Ūtƿeardlice hlenċan

[adihtan | adihtan fruman]