Iosep Stalin

Iosep Stalin in 1947

Iosep Fissarionofic Stalin (geboren sƿā Iosif Besarionis dze Cgugascfili on þǣm 18 dæge Ǣrran Gēolan þæs 1878 gēares and cƿæl on þǣm 5 dæge Hrēþmōnaðes þæs 1953 gēares) ƿæs se forma Gemǣna Lǣdend þæs Sofietre Gesamnunge Middelan Gyldes fram þǣm 1922 gēare oþ his dēaþ in þǣm 1953 gēare. In þǣm gēarum æfter Lenines dēaðe in þǣm 1924 gēare, hē rās and ƿearþ se lǣdend þā Sofietan Gesamnunge.

On Georgia ƿæs Ioseb Fissarionovic Cgugascfili geboren and he ƿenod þe he ƿolde ƿeordan prēost, ac he alēt his lārhūse and feaht in þǣre Russiscan Onƿendung in 1917 and ƿeard hēah in þǣm nīƿan Communistan lēodƿeard se ricsode ofer Russlande and his rīce. In þissum gearum nām he his binaman "Stalin", se is "Stǣl-mann".

Stalin undergann geƿealdede feohƿendunge, þe namm þone stede þæs Nīƿan Feohƿendunge Rǣdes þāra æfterrena 1920 gēara and setede on his stede þā Rǣdas Fīfgēara and undergann tīde sƿifte ƿeorcsettunge and feohƿendunge gemōtsettunge. Þæt bræc in þǣre eorþbigenesse forestōp fōre þā forþbǣre ǣtes, þætte cƿōm micel hunger, and of þissum ƿæs se Sofietisca hunger of 1932–1933, þe man in þǣm Ucrægne hētt be naman Holodomor, se is "Eallhunger".[1][2][3]

Stalin ƿæs lǣdere þæs Sofietre Gesamnunge binnan þǣre Spēoniscan Ingewinne, binnan þǣm þe se Sofiet Gesamnung wǣpen and fēðecempan tō þǣre Cynewīslican fierde sende, and binnan þǣm Sofiet-Iapaniscan Mearcgūþ. He wǣs lǣdere binnan þǣre Ōðran Ƿoruldgūþ, binnan þǣre þe se Sofiet Gesamnung fram Nazi Þēodsclande on þǣm 1941 gēare ongegripen wǣs ac sige ofer him on þǣm 1945 gēare nōm.[4]


[adiht | adiht fruman]
  1. Findings of the Commission on the Ukraine Famine - Famine Genocide, 19 April 1988
  2. Expressing the sense of the House of Representatives regarding the man-made famine that occurred in Ukraine in 1932–1933 - US House of Representatives, 21 October 2003
  3. Bilinsky, Yaroslav doi=10.1080/14623529908413948 Was the Ukrainian Famine of 1932–1933 Genocide? - Journal of Genocide Research, 1999, Vol. 1.1, Issue 2, pages=147–156. (on Niwum Englisce)
  4. Service, Robert (2004). Stalin: A Biography. London: Macmillan. ISBN 978-0-333-72627-3.