Lundene Brycg

Lundene Brycg in 2017
Lundene Brycg in 1616, wiþ hwæt is nū Súþgeweorc Heafordcirice in þa bæcgrunde, and héafdu of behēafdode weargas on héafodstoccas

Sēo Lundene Brycg is Þā nama of manig brycga ofer Þā Temes betwuh Þā Lundenceaster and Súþgeweorc (Niwenglisce: Southwark), in Lunden, and wæs Þā fyrest brycg in Lunden in 50AD/1209AD. Þā an nu wæs bytlede in 1971. þer wæs nān ōÞer brycga in Lunden oþ 1729 and Þā néah brcyg wæs in Cyningtun for 600 ġēar beforan. An brcyg wæs asette in Westmynster, in 1664, ac hit wæs stoppode bī Þā Guild of Lunden (Niwenglisce: Corporation of London) and Þā wætermenn (Niwenglisce: Watermen) hwā stoppode ænig brycga oþ 1729, an brycg wæs bytlede in sundor, in Puttan Hyðe (Niwenglisce: Putney), ġeat witenagemot (Niwenglisce: Parliament) unnan in 1736, and þer Westmynster Brycg wæs bytlede in 1750.

Lundene Brycg in 1927

Þā Brycg beforan þā an nu wæs getimbrod in 1831 and stod from 1821 oþ 1967, hwænne hit wæs bebohte to Robert McCulloch and geboren ofersæ to Arizonan, and Þā Brycg beforan þæt wæs from 1209 oþ 1831, getimbrod æfter Thomases Becketes morþor Ercebiscopes of Cantwaraburg, bi Henric II Cyning, and sturtan his weallian to Cantwarabyrig. þis wæs ðā fyrest stan Lundene Brycg.