
Akšan Manceu sangere

Manceuria is Cīnan ēastnorðdæl. Micel is þis land and oferwrēaþ brāde wongas on Seringum and on Russum (forðæm ðe Russware nāmon Manceuwiscu land in þǣm nigonteoða gearhunde).

Ðis land is Manceuwara eard, þærof cwōm Seringa endmesta cynecynn and þās cāseras gecnytted hiera eard mid Cīnan.

In 1931 Iapanware gehiersumoden Manceurie and in 1932 abannedon hie Manceuria þæt Rīce ðærof wæs Puyi Cāsere, se wæs ǣr Seringa Cāsere. He wæs adrifon of his rice æt þæs gewinnes ende in 1945.