
Wikimedia Commons hæfþ māran gemyndþrǣdas sibb mid:

In pīpweorce, is mundlēow þe is bollanlic setnes, mǣst gemacod of postulīne (oþþe, hūruþinga in þǣre cycene, wommlēas stīele), þe is gebrocen for handþwēale oþþe smalra þinga þwēale swā discas, nylonas, soccan, oþþe underhræglas. Ealda mundlēowa wǣron oft gemacod of hrodenum stīele oþþe gehīwodum īsene. In Americaniscre pīpweorcsprǣce is bæþrūmes mundlēow cūþ swā lavatory. Mundlēowa oft habbaþ tæppan, oft ceald and hāt, and seohtran. Hwonne mundlēow wierþ fordytted oþþe belocen, findeþ man oft þæt man sceal brūcan gescapene seohtranclǣnseras oþþe fordyttunggelīesere.

Wiki letter w Þis gewrit is stycce. Þu most Wikipædie mid ætiecunge hire helpan.