
Se Mōna

Se Mōna (tacn: ☾) is þæt þe ymbgǣþ þā eorðan. Ēac cann man þæt ƿord brūcan tō hātenne gelīc tungol þe ymbgā ōðerne planētan. Hē nis sƿā grēat sƿā ǣnig þāra Sinnlicre Endebyrdnesse planētena.

Se dæg Mōnandæg is genemned tō ƿendednesse þæs Lǣdenan ƿordes lunae dies.

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 Sēo Sunnlice Endebyrdnes s·m·ā 
Þā dƿeligendan tunglas: Ƿōden - Frig - Eorðe - Tīƿ - Þunor - Sætern - Uranus - Neptune
Dƿeorhtungles: Ceres - Pluto - Haumea - Makemake - Eris
Ōðer: Sunne - Mōna - Rūmstāngyrdel - Comētas - Kuiperes gyrdel - Gestrogden rand - Oortes ƿolcen
Sēo ēac tungollicu þing and sēo sunnlicre endebyrdnesse getalu þinga, gedihted be ymbhringe oþþe ƿihte.