Napier (hātte Ahuriri on Māorisce) burh on Nīwum Sǣlande mid porte, þe is on Hawkes Byhte þǣre Norþīege ēasternum strande. His lēodrǣden is hūhwega 58,000 lēoda æfter pinsunge þæs Ǣrran Līðan þæs 2010. gēares. Nēahburh his is Hæstingas, þe līþ nēan 18 þūsendmetera him besūðan. Mann hāteþ hīe "The Twin Cites", þe mǣneþ "Þā Twinan Byrig". Ætgædere is heora burggeardes full lēodrǣden nēan 126,000 lēoda, and for þissum sind Napier and Hæstingas se fīfta burggeard on Nīwum Sǣlande, æfter Hamiltūne, and ætfōran Taurangan and Dunedine.