Nelson Mandela

Mandela (sƿīðre) on þǣm 1993. gēare

Nelson Rolihlahla Mandela, (18 Mǣdmōnaþ, 19185 Gēolmōnaþ, 2013) ƿæs gēara Foresittend Sūþafrican, ƿæs hēah gēanbyrdend ƿiþ apartheid, and ēac ƿǣs saboteur and guerrilla lāttēoƿ ƿiþ apartheid. Todæg man him besēoþ -lȳtesne eallīce sƿā frēodōmfeohtend. Æfter his cildhāda in þǣm Thembu rīce, hē nōm folgoþ in lagan.

Se nama Madiba is ārtītul for ieldran in Mandelan mǣgþe, þēah man in Sūþafrican brūcþ þisne naman for Nelson Mandela ānum.

Early life

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Nelson Mandela is in Mvezo in þǣm Transkei on 18 Mǣdmōnaþ 1918 geboren. Hē hrerode tō Qunu and hēr ƿunode oþ hē ƿæs nigon gēaru. His fæder ƿæs Hendry Mphakanyiswa Gadla, hēafodmann Mvezon, smæl tūn on stæþ þǣm Mbashe strēam. Se sēofongēare Rolihlahla Mandela ƿierþ ǣrest his cynn gān tō scole, hƿær him geaf Methodist lærere þone Engliscan name "Nelson". His fæder sƿealt hƿonne hē ƿæs tīengēare, and Nelson man āsende tō Ƿesleyan mission scole next door to the palace of the Regent. Tō folgienne Xhosa custom ƿæs hē initiated at age 16, and attended Clarkebury Boarding Institute, learning about Western culture. Hē geendode his Junior Certificate æfter tƿǣm gēarum on stale þrēora.

On 23 July, 2004 se stede Iohannesburges gelācode his hīehstan āre on Mandela by granting him the freedom of the city at a ceremony in Orlando, Soweto.

Orders and decorations

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Rǣd ēac

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Sēo ēac

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Ūtanƿearde bendas

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Preceded by:
Frederik Willem de Klerk
(State Foresittend Sūþafrican)
1st Foresittend Sūþafrican Succeeded by:
Thabo Mbeki