Niw Brunswic

Niw Brunswic
—  underrice  —
Friðericestun in Niwum Brunswice


Land  Cænada Cænada
Heafodstol Fredericton
Gestaðelod 1 Æfterra Liða 1867
Brego Blaine Higgs
• gerim

72,908 km²
• buend

775,610 buenda
Tidgyrdel Atlantic Time Zone
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Niw Brunswic is underrice on Canadan. He is land in Canadan eastdæle and ðærin wunaþ seofen hundred þusenda manna. He is Canadan an underrice þæs grundgesetnes banneþ þe hit beo of twæm gereordum, þe sind Niwenglisc and Frencisc. Englas sind þæt heafodgerim ac Francas heoldaþ micel ealdordōm.

Niw Brunswic weard underrice onmang Canadan æt þæs rices geþoftunge in 1867 and ærror wæs he Bryttiscu landbunes. Oþ 1784 wæs þis land Niwscotlandes dæl þære landbunesse ac seo landbunes wæs bedæled in þæm geare.

Niwes Brunswices heafodstōl is Friðericestun ac hiere mæste burg is Halga Iohannes. Ðis underrice fon his naman of Brunswic, se is burg in Germanie forþæm þe Georgius III Bretta Cyning wæs eac Heretoga of Brunswice and þes nama wæs for þæs cyninges lof.

Underrice and landscipas Canadan
Underrīce Alberta • Bryttisc Columbia • Eadweardes Æþelinges Iegland • Manitoba • Niw Brunswic • Niwe Scotland • Niwgefundenland and Labrador • Ontario • Quebec • Sascatcewan
Landscipas Geocon • Norþwest Landscipas • Nunavut