Norodom Sihamoni

Norodom Sihamoni
Cynedom 14 October 2004 – þone God beorge
Gehalgod 29 October 2004
Foregenga Norodom Sihanouk
Hus Norodomingas
Fæder Norodom Sihanouk
Modor Norodom Monineath
Geboren 14 Þrimilcemonað 1953
Phnom Penh on Cambodie
Handseten Norodom Sihamoni handseten

Norodom Sihamoni is Cambodie Cyning, þærof fange he to rīce on 14 October 2004. Se Cyning is Norodom Sihanouk Cyninges ieldsta sunu be his ōðrum cwēne sēo is Norodom Monineath. Ǣr þe he weard cyning wæs Norodom Sihamoni Cambodie sand to UNESCO. Æfter Norodom Sihanouk his fæder forscrāh his cynedōm in 2004 ceas sēo Cynestōlæht Sihamoni to cyninge.

Beforan þe he fang to rīce wæs Sihamoni mære for his weorce þe he wæs ambehtman in Europan and þe he wæs hoppere.

Norodom Sihamoni Cyning æt þæm Cynelican Ploughing Ceremony in Phnom Penh.