O Canada is se rīcesang Canades. His swege hæfþ Calixa Lavallēe gewrit, and þā fruma Frencisc wordas hæfþ Sir Adolphe-Basile Routhier gewrit, swā swā Frencisc-Canadisc cynelufung sang for þone Saint-Jean-Baptiste Geþēodnes.
Man sang hit ǣrost on 24um Sēremōnþes, 1880 æt Saint-Jean-Baptiste Dæges bēorscipe in Quebec City, ac hē ne wearþ Canades cynesang oþ 1um Mǣdmōnþes, 1980. Se þēnunglica Nīwa Englisca sang cymþ of lēoðe þæt Robert Stanley Weir wrāt in 1908; hē nis geþēodnes of Frenciscum trahte.
Changes to the English version were recommended in 1968 by a Special Joint Committee of the Senate and House of Commons. The National Anthem Act of 1980 added a religious reference to the English lyrics.
Fram 1867 tō 1980, "O Canada", "God Save the Queen" and "The Maple Leaf Forever" brȳceþ Canada for unþēnunglicum cynesangum, ac in þǣm 1960um forbǣrþ þæt Canadisce folc "O Canada". Hwonne hē wearþ Canades rīcesang, manig Canadingas ǣrost ābaraþ þæt hē næs hīe ricesang ǣrhwilum. Se Bryttisca sang "God Save the Queen" is nū Canades cynelicsang, and þæt Canadisce folc "The Maple Leaf Forever" ofergieten.
O Canada! Our home and native land! |
O Canada! Ure hām and eardland! |
Þā word "The True North strong and free" cumaþ of Alfred Lord Tennysones tōwritennes Canadum swā "That True North whereof we lately heard."
Twēgen Canadisce underrīcu habbaþ genumen Lǣdena geþēodnessa of Engliscum wordum hira gecwidum: Manitoba--Gloriosus et liber (þrymlice and frēo)--and Alberta--Fortis et liber (strang and frēo). Ēac þæt gecwide þǣm Canadian Forces Land Force Command is Vigilamus pro te (wē standaþ tō warienne for þēc).
Ô Canada! Terre de nos aïeux, |
O Canada! Land urena ieldrena, |
Se swege and Nīwe Englisce and Frencisce word sind in þǣm public domain.
In þǣm underrice Nunavutum, mann singeþ þone cynesang in Nīwe Englisc, Frencisc, and Inuctitutisc (geþēode þǣm Inuitum). Hit gehāten O'Kanata in þissum geþēode.
O'Kanata nangmini Nunavut piqujatii
Nalattiaqpavut angiglivaliajuti sangijulutillu
O'Kanata mianiripluti
O'Kanata nunatsia
nangiqpugu mianiripluti
O'Kanata salagijauquna