Ostsǣs rīcu

Ðā Ostsǣs rīcu onmang Europan landum

Þā Ostsǣs rīcu sind ðrēo land on Ostsǣs ēasternum ecge, be naman:

Ðās land habbað gemǣne stǣr. Ælc rīce ƿæs gesundrod of þǣm Russiscum Rīce æfter þǣre Russicum Onƿendunge in 1917 for hiera syndrigum folcum and ælc rice ƿæs forsƿulgon in þā Sofiet Gesamnunge in 1940. Ðan sēo Sofiet Gesamnung forbrāc in 1991, ƿeardon hie eft sundorrīce.

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