
Cagliari, Sardinia

Sardinia is Ƿendelsǣs īegland. Hēr spricþ man Italisc and Sardinisc, se is ēac Italisc gereorde.

Sardinia is Italie dæl. His hēafodburg is Cagliari, æt þæs īeglandes sūþriman.

Sardinia licð sūþðen Corsican. Sardinia and Corsica þæt iegland todæleð an lytel sǣs earm, se is tƿa and tƿentig mila brād. Sardinia hiere is be ēasten se Ƿendelsǣ þe man hæt Tirrenum.

Sardinia feall in þǣm Cartainiscan Rīce oð Zama beadƿe, þa in þǣm Rōmāniscan Rīce. Ǣfter þe Rōmburg feall ƿæs Sardinia under þǣm Ƿendelrīce, þa þǣm Rōmāniscan ēastrīce. In 1297 begann þæt Sardinia Cynerīce se ābad oþ Italia ƿæs geānlæht in þǣm 19þ gearhundrede, ac mæste ƿæs þæt rīce under strangorum cynedōmum.

Piedmont-rīce hæfde Sardinie cynedōm siþðan 1720 and his heretogan ricsode ealla hiere land sƿa Sardinia Cyningas oððæt Uictor Emmanuel II Sardinia Cyning gehiersumede ealles Italie in 1861.