Swetu eorþperu

Sweta eorþpera

Seo swete eorþperu is mora gecynd fram þære Niwan Worulde. Seo swete eorþperu is oft gebacen in ofene oþþe gedon to eorþperstyccum, and siþþan is geeten.

Þeos plante mæg forþberan blostman. Man hygeð þe hire frymþu is on suþernum Norþamerican. In ealdum Mexicwe (huru þæm Azteca Rice in Middelamerican) is seo swete eorþperu on inlendiscum gereordum be naman Camohtli in ealdum Nahwatlisce, and seo moru wæs geeten in þam rice Tenochtitlan þære byrig.

Niwu word

[adihtan | adihtan fruman]
Þis gewrit hæfþ niwu word. Man ah þis getæl mid eallum niwum wordum and her gebrocenum ican.
This article contains new words. All new words used here should be added to this list.
  • eorþperstycce (sm) - potato chip, French fry
  • Middelamercia (wm) - Central America
  • Nahwatlisc (sn) - Nahuatl language
  • Niwu (aj) Woruld (sf) - New World, the Americas
  • Norþamerica (wm) - North America
  • swetu (aj) eorðperu (sf) - sweet potato, "sweet earth-pear"