Swīnmūþa | |
Cwide: nān | |
Land | Polaland |
Swīnmūþa (Polisc: Świnoujście, Germanisc: Swinemünde) is burg on Polum. Þēos burg is in Wenoðlande and stent on manigum īegum; hwǣron sind Usedom, Wollin and Kaseburg. Þās īega sind in Stettinmere, æt þǣm sūðofer þǣre Ostsǣs and Stettines forehæfne.
Oð 1945 wæs Swīnmūþa Þēodscna burg; æfter þǣm Gewinne geaf þā sigefæstan rīce eall þis land under Polena weald and þæræfter nām þā Pole hit and awearf his Þēodscan onwuniendas.
Wikimedia Commons hæfþ māran gemyndþrǣdas sibb mid: Świnoujście |