Talcawano | |
— burg — | |
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Land | Cile Cile |
Gestaðelod | 1764 |
Bradnes • gerim |
47.32 km² |
Hiehþu | 1 m |
Leodræden • buend |
147,831, 270,000, 139,000, 221,000, 161,692, 22,084, 204,000 buenda |
Sprecungrim | 56-41 |
Webstede | Webstede |
Talcawano Commons | |
Þis cyþþubox hæfþ Wikidata wihta | |
Talcaƿano (Spēonisce: Talcaguano) is burg and hȳð on Cilan.
Man staðolede Talcaƿano sƿā burgscipe on þǣm 5. dæge Blōtmōnaðes in þǣm 1764. gēare þā cȳþde Antonio Guill y Gonzaga ambehthȳð. Nōþȳlæs, Talcaƿano cūðe man fram þǣm 1544. gēare ðā fand Juan Bautista Pastene, Genoaƿisc sciphlāford, Biobio ēa mūþan onmang þǣm þe he seglede þisne sǣrim mid his scipum San Pedro and Santiaguillo.
In þǣm 1601. gēare timbrode Alonso de Ribera Talcaƿuanoburg to aƿerienne Spēonisc ƿicas nēah Conþepþeon.
Þes ceasterscipe hæfþ his naman æfter Talcaƿeñu, Araucanisc brego, se oneardode þās land in þǣm dagum þǣr cƿōmon ǣrest Spēne hider. In Mapudungun, þe is þæt gereord þæs landfolces, is Talcaƿano "Þunring heofon".
Geānedrīciscra hƿælhuntena scipum þæs 19. gēarhundredes ƿæs þēos hȳð hāmcȳð. Oft cnyttedon hīe hiera mærels hēr tō bringenne fersc ƿæter, ǣt and gaman for þǣm scipƿerode.
Wikimedia Commons hæfþ māran gemyndþrǣdas sibb mid: Talcahuano |