The Chronicles of Narnia (on Englisce Þā Tīdwrītunga Narnie) is getæl seofona inmōdcundra spella fram C. S. Lewise gewriten. Hit is gesmēad gelǣstende brēme on cildra bōccræfte and is þæs wrīteres gecūþost weorc, hæbbende gecīeped māran þonne 120 þūsend þūsenda efengewritu his on ānum and fēowertigum sprǣcum. Gewriten fram Lewise betweox 1949e and 1954e and amett fram Paulinan Baynese, The Chronicles of Narnia habbaþ gebēon arēdod hwīlum, ful oþþe be dǣle, tō folcsprece , feorrsīene, and þēatere.