
Uictoriameres rīma be Ugandan

Uictoriamere is Affrican mæste lūh and līþ onmangum þæs ƿorulddæles Miclum Merum.

Þes mere hæfþ his naman æfter Uictoria Cƿēn, and þes nama ƿæs be John Hanning Speke afindere gegeafen, forþæm þe he ƿæs se forma man of Europan Þēod hine to findenne, and anhaga frummede he þis þing in 1858 þæn on fare mid Richard Francis Burton to findenne Nīles æƿielme.

Mid brādnesse geond 26,600 mīla þæs feoƿerscyte, is Uictoriamere Affrican mæsta mere be andƿlitan, and he is Middangeardes mæste hātgyrdel lūh. Uictoriamere is þisse ƿorulde ōþru sƿētƿæter lūh be brādnesse; ānlice Superiormere in Norþamerican is mār. Be fylde is Uictoriamere middangeardes nigoneð landbefealden ƿæter and it heoldeþ ymbe ƿætres 2.2x109 æccer-fēt.

Uictoriamere hæfþ his ƿæter of regne and of þūsendum lytelra brōca. Sēo mæste ēac þe iernð in þisne mere is Kagera Ēa, þære mūþa līþ on Uictoriameres ƿestrīman. Uictoriameres ƿæter iernþ ūt be Nīle earm be naman Uictorianīlus se se hēafodstrēam þæs Hƿītan Nīles) se iernð of þæm mere nēah Jinja on Ugandan, on þæs meres norþernum rīman.

Land and ƿæter

[adiht | adiht fruman]
Se mere gesēon fram rodorcræfte

Uictoriamere līþ in undēop depression in Affrican and his dēposta stede is 276 fēt under þæs ƿætres andƿlītan and his medume dēopþu is 130 fēt. Þes mere forsƿelgeð ƿæter of stōƿe so beƿrēoþ 71,000 mīla þæs feoƿerscytes and his rīma is 3,000 mīlalang, mid īegum or 3.7% þisre lengþan.

Þrēo rīcu sittaþ be þæs ƿætres rīman, þā sindon Cenia and Uganda benorðan and Tansania besūðan.