Ƿaldhere | |
Cynedom | 539 – 546 |
Foregenga | Ƿacca |
Æftergenga | Eadƿine |
Hus | Leðingas |
Fæder | Ƿacca |
Modor | Silinga |
Geboren | 6. century unknown value |
Deaþ | 546 unknown value |
Ƿaldhere Ƿaccing, eac hatte Walthari, ƿæs se cyning þāra Langbearda in þǣm 539 geare oþ 546. Ƿacca ƿæs his fæder and foregenga, and Eadƿine ƿæs his fæderes fyrestes ƿifes healfbroþor and æftergenga. Eadƿine slog geliclice Ƿaldhere to ƿeorþan cyninge.