Willelm McKinley

Ƿilliam McKinley, foresittend (circa 1900)

Ƿilhelm McKinley ( ƿæs geboren þæs 29. Æfterran Gēolan þæs 1843. gēares – cƿæl þæs 14. Hāligmōnþes þæs 1901. gēares ) ƿæs se fīf and tƿēntigoða Foresittend þāra Geāndena Rīca, from þǣm 1897. gēare ōþ his slege in þǣm 1901. gēare. Man man his foresittendhād for ætīecunge tō þǣm landum þāra Geānlǣhtra Rīca mid geþange and gūðe.

In 1901 fang he feorhben be Leon Frank Czolgosz and he stearf eftsona ðærbe.

Foregan fram:
Grover Cleveland
Foresittend þāra Geāndena Rīca
4 Hrēþmōnaþ 189714 Hāligmōnaþe 1901
Æftergan fram:
Þeodore Roosevelt

Foresittend þara Geandena Rica
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