Æðelstān Engla Cyning

Æþelstan Cyning (Eall-saƿla Felƿescipe Bedhus)

Æðelstān (Niwenglisc: Æthelstan or Athelstan) ƿæs Ēadƿeardes þæs Ieldran ieldesta sunu and iefa. Hē ricsode of 924 oð his dēaþe in 939. Ǣr ƿæs he Ƿestseaxna cyning and Miercna cyning of 924 and in þǣm geare hæfde he his fædres cynestōl, and nām his coronbēag and his underþēodna āðas of Ƿestseaxum and of Miercum æt Cyningestūne se is on Sūþrige.

In 927 forþferde Sihtric Eoforƿic Cyning and of þissum dǣge ƿeard Æðelstān cyning ofer eallum Englalande and ƿæs rihte se form Engla Cyning.

In 937 onsƿōg Anlāf Difelin Cyning þis land mid his herige and mid Stræclud folce and mid Scottum þe Anlāf habbe his fædres rīcestōl on Norþhymbra rīce, ac Æðelstān Cyning geƿonn sige æt sæcce æt Brunanbyrig and eall Engle and eall Brettas hæfde him ðe he bið hlāford. On his bōcum fint man sƿa sƿa his titul Rex Totis Brittaniae, se is "Eallre Bretene Cyning".

Æðelstān næfde bearn ne ƿīf. His brōðor, Ēadmund Æðeling, ƿæs Engla cyning æfter þǣm þe hē stearf. His ealder fæder ƿæs Ælfrēd Grēata

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Cyningas of Englalande, Scotlande and Grēatre Brytene

Engla ƿealdendas fore 1603 Scotta ƿealdendas fore 1603

Æþelstan  • Ēadmund I  • Ēadred  • Ēadƿig  • Ēadgar I  • Ēadweard se Martyr  • Æþelred Unrǣd  • Swegn  • Ēadmund II  • Cnut  • Harold Harafōt  • Harðacnut  • Ēadƿeard Andettere  • Harold II  • Ēadgar II  • Ƿillelm I  • Ƿillelm II  • Heanric I  • Stefn  • Cāseren Mæþhild • Heanric II  • Riċheard I  • Iohannes  • Heanric III  • Ēadƿeard I  • Ēadƿeard II  • Ēadƿeard III  • Riċheard II  • Heanric IV  • Heanric V  • Heanric VI  • Ēadƿeard IV  • Ēadƿeard V  • Riċheard III  • Heanric VII  • Heanric VIII  • Ēadƿeard VI  • Iane • Maria I  • Elisabeþ I

Cenneþ I  • Dufenal I  • Costontinus I  • Æd  • Giric  • Eochaid  • Dufenal II  • Costontinus II  • Mælcolm I  • Indulf  • Dub  • Cuilén  • Cenneþ II  • Costontinus III  • Cenneþ III  • Mælcolm II  • Dunecan I  • Macbeoþan  • Lulach  • Mælcolm III  • Dyfenal III  • Dunecan II  • Dufenal III  • Ēadgar  • Alexander I  • Dauid I  • Mælcolm IV  • Willelm I  • Alexander II  • Alexander III  • Meregrot  • Forma Cyninglēastīd  • Iohannes  • Oðer Cyninglēastīd  • Roðbert I  • Dauid II  • Roðbert II  • Roðbert III  • Iacobus I  • Iacobus II  • Iacobus III  • Iacobus IV  • Iacobus V  • Maria I  • Iacobus VI

Engla and Scotta anƿealdendas siþðan þæm Cynebeaga Gæd in 1603

Iacobus I & VI  • Carl I  • Cyninglēastīd  • Carl II  • Iacobus II & VII  • Ƿillelm and Maria, þan Ƿillelm anhaga  • Anne  • Georgius I  • Georgius II  • Georgius III  • Georgius IV  • Ƿillelm IV  • Uictoria  • Ēadƿeard VII  • Georgius V  • Ēadƿeard VIII  • Georgius VI  • Elisabeþ II  • Carl III

* Æƿēnu rican and bisǣccu earon in italiscum stafum.