
Missenlīc ǣt

Ǣt is andtimber þe dēor and menn þurfon tō libbenne; ǣt is ēac geeten oþþe gedruncen tō ƿynne. Ǣt is of elum, ƿætere, fætnesse, lynde, grundfēdendum, ēac sƿēttimbrum (ac nis ǣt ānunga of him eallum). Ǣt is oft of dēorum, dēora gestrēonum, oþþe ƿyrtum geƿorht. Þēah þe manige menn sōhton ǣt be huntoþe and gæderunge, nū is se mǣsta dǣl ǣtes of landbūinge, dēora healdunge, and fiscunge; þæs nis huntoþ and fōdan gæderung nū sƿā hefig mannum sƿā ǣr.

Manige līfes þēaƿas habbaþ tōmearcoda fōdan þēaƿ, ac fōdan þēaƿas sind nū gemencged on manigum landum.