Égypte : société militaire, 1962. Translated by Charles Lam Markmann as Egypt: military society; the army regime, the left, and social change under Nasser, 1968.
Anthologie de la littérature arabe contemporaine, 1964
Idéologie et renaissance nationale, l'Égypte moderne, 1969
La Pensée politique arabe contemporaine, 1970. Translated by Michael Pallis as Contemporary Arab political thought, 1983
(ed.) Sociologie de l'impérialisme, 1971
La dialectique sociale, 1972. Translated by Mike Gonzalez as Social dialectics, 2 vols., 1980.
Nation and revolution, 1981
(ed. with Miroslav Pečujlićand Gregory Blue) Science and technology in the transformation of the world, 1982
(ed. with Ānisujjāmāna) Culture and thought in the transformation of the world, 1983.